Melissa Natoli

About Me

Hi! I'm Melissa! I'm a MERN full stack developer earning my professional certificate in coding from the University of Texas Coding program. Prior to that I have years of experience in logistics and hospitality management as well as a Bachelor's Degree from Texas Tech University.

When I'm not sitting in front of my computer screens I enjoy travelling the world, playing and watching sports, practicing the ukulele, and spending time with my two little dogs - Toby and Cheesepuff.

My Work

Pour Decisions

Bootcamp group project created using Node.js, Express.js, Handlebars.js, MySQL2, and Sequelize as a review website for wineries in the Texas Hill Country

GitHub Repo
Meal Match♥

Bootcamp group project created using JavaScript to randomly choose a food and drink pairing to help you have a fun and exciting date night.

GitHub Repo

Blog website for users to blog about tech topics created using Express.js, Handlebars.jsn MySQL2, and Sequelize. Users can interact with the blog poster through comments on the blog.

GitHub Repo
Card image cap

Simple note taking application created using Express.

GitHub Repo

Contact Me